Professor Suveer Singh is internationally experienced in clinical respiratory intensive care and renowned for expertise, education and research in the field. He runs the ICU and ARDS-ECMO follow up clinic at the Royal Brompton Hospital, London, a world renowned centre for cardiorespiratory diseases.
He is also lead editor of the Oxford Textboook of respiratory critical care, and a researcher in many trials of respiratory and intensive care medicine.
Post-intensive care management focuses on the care and recovery of patients who have been discharged from an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or those who are severely ill but do not require full ICU care. These patients may still need close monitoring and advanced support, often provided in high-dependency units (HDUs). Proper post-intensive care management can help prevent further complications, optimize recovery, and improve overall outcomes. This care involves multidisciplinary teams led by senior clinicians with expertise in critical care, supported by skilled nursing and technical staff.
Critical illness, by definition, requires a higher level of care, usually in an intensive care unit, high dependency unit or intermediate care facility. The role of the specialist in critical care is both as a diagnostician and to manage the patient through the illness, utilising a specific set of knowledge and practical skills, particular to intensive care.
Patients transitioning from intensive care or those with acute illnesses can experience various complications. Common issues include:
1. Breathing Difficulties:
2. Sepsis:
3. Fluid Imbalances:
4. Infections:
5. Post-Operative Complications:
Diagnosing complications in post-intensive care patients involves a combination of clinical assessment and advanced diagnostics. The most common diagnostic approaches include:
1. Clinical Assessment:
2. Laboratory Tests:
3. Imaging:
4. Fluid Monitoring:
5. Sepsis Screening:
Post-intensive care treatment plans focus on managing complications, supporting recovery, and preventing deterioration. Key interventions include:
1. Respiratory Support:
2. Sepsis Management:
3. Fluid and Electrolyte Management:
4. Medications:
5. Monitoring and Support:
6. Rehabilitation:
Post-intensive care management is essential for improving patient outcomes following a critical illness or surgery. Addressing complications such as sepsis, breathing difficulties, and fluid imbalances early on, supported by continuous monitoring and timely interventions, can lead to better recovery and prevent further deterioration.
Prof. Suveer Singh is an experienced specialist in Respiratory Medicine, Sleep Apnoea and other Sleep Disorders (Insomnia), Respiratory Critical Care, Acute respiratory infection (including COVID) and post ITU recovery.
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